Español(Spanish Formal International)English (United Kingdom)


PROJECTS Specifically

Feasibility Study and Finance Providing, Hydroelectric System Bermejo

Elaboration of Feasibility Study and Finance Providing for Hydroelectric System Bermejo (274 MW), consisted of Dam Las Pavas (rollcrete, height of 115 m, 86 MW), Dam Arrazayal (rollcrete, height of 120 m, 86 MW) and Dam Cambari (arch dam, height of 146 m, 102 MW), for the TRANSDAM Joint Venture, Buenos Aires, Argentina, in the frame of the international bidding for the concession of the project Bermejo located on the High Basin of the River Bermejo of Tarija (Binational Agreement Bolivia- Argentina)

Service scope:

  • Structural analysis, Geology, Geophysics, Seismology, Hydraulics, Hydrology, Hydro-Electro-Mechanical Equipment Design, Construction Techno – Economical Design and Financing Structure for finance providing.

Service value:

  • initial 230,000.00 US$; final 606,000.00 US$

Projects amount:

  • 540,000,000.00 US$

Service time:

  • 1997 - 2000