PROJETS Specifically
During several yearsTransproject has dedicated to the development of the hydroelectric project Grande in Bolivia, as the owner of the author right and titleholder of the Provisional License.This project consists of the system of 8 dams and hydroelectric centrals, generating almost 3,000 MW for exportation to Brazil, of almost 6,000 million USD and is the biggest one in Latin America in development. But simultaneously Transproject has contracted and developed different other projects in Latin America. Some of the Transproject´s projects are as follows:
- Technical consulting and financing administration for several projects for "PREFECTURA OF TARIJA", Bolivia.
- Part of Feasibility Study for the Coroico hydroelectric project for the governmental generation company ELECTROPAZ and company IBERDROLA, La Paz, Bolivia.
- Preliminary Study and Finance Providing for Hydroelectric System Bermejo of Dam Las Pavas, Dam Arrazayal and Dam Cambari for the TRANSDAM Joint Venture, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Partnership and performance of bid documents in the TRANSDAM Joint Venture, in the frame of the international bidding for concession of the project Bermejo, located in the High Basin of the River Bermejo of Tarija (Binational Agreement Argentina - Bolivia)
- General Construction Consulting for different construction companies for the construction projects of the companies FORTI AND LEON, OMEGA, PETROSUR and BARTOS in Bolivia etc.
- Contract Engineering and Claim Management for different construction companies from Yugoslavia and Bolivia.
- Identification Study and Preliminary Design obtaining the Provisional License from the Bolivian Government and developing of related Feasibility Study, as the condition to obtain the concession for the design, construction, operation and exploitation of the Project Grande, located in the High Basin of River Grande, Bolivia
- Preliminary Study for the purposes of obtaining the concession for the project Hydroelectric Central GornjiDol, Montenegro
- Preliminary Study for the purposes of obtaining the concession for the project Hydroelectric Central Comarapa, Bolivia
- Feasibility Study – 1th Phase for the project Hydroelectric Central Los Chorros, Honduras