Español(Spanish Formal International)English (United Kingdom)

Milutin Miloradovic Obradovic

Civil Engineer, - Hydraulic Engineering

Type of Principal Experience:

Consulting Engineer in the development of Hydraulic Project studies:

Planning and water resources usage, hydrology, Waterway Hydraulics and hydraulic Works: Irrigation, Drainage, Channeling of Natural Water Courses and Flood Defenses, Shore Defenses.


Year from/to:Country:Project and Position:
2011 Peru Hydrology Specialist: of different Hydrological Studies such a: Huancabamba River, Ocoña and Apurimac rivers, Chancay-Huaral river and preliminary study of water availability for the Hydraulic Power Plants Cordon de Plata in Argentina and study of water resources usage of the Huancabamba River for the Development of the Hydroelectric Power Plant Olmos I.
2010 Peru Specialist in Hydraulic and River Engineering: Hydraulic calculation of Nizao River in the adjacent sections to the powerhouses CCHH Aguacate and Jigüey; Dominican Republic.
2010 Peru Chief of Studies and Specialist in Technical Formulation and Evaluation of Public Investment Projects: Project Profile Study of the Public Investment Project “Riego y Drenaje del Valle Vilcanota entre Pampa Ansa y Combapata”; Sicuani-Cuzco
2009/2010 Peru Chief of Studies and Specialist in Fluvial Hydraulics: Definitive Design (or final) of the Vilcanota River Channeling between Pampa Ansa and Combapata.
2009 Peru Specialist in Hydraulic Works and Fluvial Hydraulics: Detailed Engineering of the infrastructure for conduction and distribution of water for irrigation of agricultural land MAPLE Etanol S.R.L., for sugarcane cultivation.
2008 Peru Hydrology Specialist and Hydraulic works:Advising to the Management of the Agroindustrial Project Consortium Miraflores S.A., (COMISA), supervising the design of basic engineering.
2007 Peru Chief of Studies and Specialist Planning and Water Resources Usage: Elaboration of the Profile Study of the public investment Project “Consolidación de la Primera Etapa del Proyecto Especial Jequetepeque-Zaña”.
2006 peru Chief of Studies and Specialist in Planning and Water Resources Usage: Complementation and ordering of the Feasibility Study for the Public Investment Project “Afianzamiento del Embalse de Poechos” to the SNIP Norms.
2006 Peru Chief of Studies and Specialist in Planning and Water Resources Usage: Advising to the Agricultural and Water from the Jetepeque Valley as Implementation of the Water Balance of Gallito Ciego Dam for the planning and monitoring of Agricultural Campaigns.
2005 Peru Chief of Studies and Specialist in Planning and Water Resources Usage: Elaboration of the Water Balance Study and Improvement of the Operation of the Gallito Ciego Reservoir.
2006 Peru Chief of Studies and Specialist in Planning and Water Resources Usage: Complementation and ordering of the Feasibility Study of the Public Investment Project “Afianzamiento del Embalse de Poechos” to the SNIP Norms.
2006 Peru Chief of Studies and Specialist in Planning and Water Resources Usage Hídricos: Advising to the Agricultural and Water Authorities of the Jequetepeque Valley implementing the Water Balance.
2005 Peru Chief of Studies and Specialist in Planning and Water Resources Usage: Elaboration of the Water Balance Study and Improvement of the Operation of the Gallito Ciego Reservoir.
2004 Peru Chief of Studies and Specialist in Planning and Water Resources Usage: Elaboration of the Profile Study of the Second Phase of the Special Project Jequetepeque-Zaña
2004 Peru Specialist in Hydraulic Engineering: Elaboration of the Pre-feasibility Study for the protection of the Gallito Ciego Reservoir from clogging.
2004 Peru Specialist in Hydraulic Works, Hydraulic and Fluvial Engineering: Elaboration of the Discharge Evacuation Study of the Emergency Spillway of Poechos Dam and evaluation of Eventual Damage in the Chira Valley by Flooding.
2003 Peru Hydrology Specialist and Planning of Water Resources Exploitation: Elaboration of Feasibility Study “Saldo de Obras de la Tercera Etapa del Proyecto Especial Chira-Piura”
2002 Peru Hydrology Specialist and Planning of Water Resources Exploitation: Elaboration of the Operating Rules of the Poechos Reservoir.
2002 Peru Hydrology and Hydraulic Specialist and Planning of Water Resources Exploitation: Elaboration of the Sullana Reservoir usage as compensation reservoir for the Hydraulic Power Plant Poechos I.
2002 Peru Hydrology Specialist and Planning of the Water Resources Exploitation: Elaboration of Preliminary Study for the Pluvial Water Hydraulic Regime and Urban Area of Piura City, UPIS Zone.
2001 Peru Specialist in Riverside Protection Works: Elaboration of Study and Final Design of the Siphon Chaman and Elaboration of the Study and Final Design of the Channeling and Protection of the right side bank of Jequetepeque River on the Sections Palangana-Los Reubicados y Chafán (Siphon Tecapa-San Pedro)
2000/2001 Peru Hydrology, Hydraulic and Fluvial Engineering Specialist: Supervision of Definitive Study for the Reconstruction and Qualification of the Defense System of Bajo Piura and Evaluation and Strengthening of the Diversion Dam Los Ejidos.
2000 Peru Hydrology Specialist and Planning of the Water Resources Exploitation: Elaboration of Manual Operation of Gallito Ciego Reservoir and associated studies.
1998/1999 Peru Specialist in Design of Hydraulic Works: Elaboration of Studies and records for the Reconstruction and Qualification of the Miguel Checa Channel damaged by El Niño in 1997/98, and evaluation of the corresponding damages.
1999 Peru Hydraulic and Fluvial Engineering Specialist and agricultural drainage: Study and Design of agricultural land of the SOL-SOL Farm: Pluvial Drainage and Protection of the right side bank of Piura River and adjacent farmlands against erosion and scouring.
1998 Peru Specialist in Design of Hydraulic Works: Elaboration of Preliminary Study and Detailed Engineering (Constructive Level) for Raw Water Capture for Sullana City.
1997 Peru Specialist in Hydrology and Hydraulic Work Design: Study and Detailed Engineering (Constructive Level) of Preventive Works against El Niño in 1997/98 for Paita City.
1995 Peru Specialist in Planning and Water Resources Exploitation: Consultant of Supervision of Complementary Feasibility Study for the Special Hydropower Project ALTO PIURA.
1994/1994 Peru Specialist in Design of Hydraulic Works: Elaboration of Detailed Engineering of Hydraulic Works for the Hydroelectric Power Plant Del Quiroz, 1,600KW.
1990/1994 Peru Superior Design Engineer – Head of Study: Definitive Study at Constructive Level of III Phase of “Chira-Piura” Project, of Chira Valley.
1989/1990 Yugoslavia Superior Design Engineer: Planning and Development of Preliminary Design Prior to the Protection Works of “Velika Morava” Valley (250,000há.) from flooding and high level of water table.
1986/1988 Yugoslavia Superior Design Engineer – Head of Study: Planning and Development of Preliminary Study Prior to Flood Defense Works in Karas Valley (12,000há. Approx.)
1982/1985 Peru Superior Design Engineer – Head of Study (e): Previous Rehabilitation Study of “Chira Valley”
1979/1981 Yugoslavia Design Engineer: Definitive Study of Defense Dykes and Channeling Works along Piura River.
1977/1978 Peru Design Engineer: Previous Study of Defense Dykes and Channeling Works along Piura River and Preliminary Study of Main Conduction Channel "Los Ejidos-Sechura”, analysis of variants.
1975/1976 Peru Design Engineer: Definitive and Detailed Design of minor works and secondary irrigation channels of “Chira-Piura” Derivation Channel.
1973/1974 Yugoslavia Engineer in Practice: Preliminary Study of Channeling of Urban Sections of Pristevka and Grmusa Rivers in Prístina City.